AUGUST 13, 2008
PRESENT Chair Richard F. Kehoe, Vice Chair William P. Horan, Jr., Majority Leader Marcia A. Leclerc, Minority Leader Donald H. Pitkin, Councillors Marc I. Weinberg, Jason Rojas, Barbara-Ann Rossi, and Eric Thompson
ABSENT Councillor Patricia Harmon
Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. He announced the exit locations in
accordance with Connecticut General Statutes § 29-381, after which the Council joined him in the pledge of allegiance.
The following is a copy of a legal notice published in the Tuesday, August 5, 2008 edition of the Hartford Courant.
Public notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of East Hartford, Connecticut, will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut, on the proposed ordinance entitled, “Sexually Oriented Businesses”.
Any person(s) wishing to express an opinion on this matter may do so at this meeting.
Angela Attenello
Town Council Clerk
The Chair gave a brief history of the proposed ordinance, which creates a license and regulatory scheme for sexually oriented businesses. As a reference, the Town Council’s Ordinance Committee looked at a number of cities and towns, not only in the state of Connecticut, but throughout the nation, as models and guides in the creation of the proposed ordinance. Additionally, the Committee reviewed case law that has developed as a result of those ordinances and of the towns’ experiences with these businesses. Also, the Committee studied numerous cases studies and research reports regarding the impact of sexually oriented businesses on the community. The Chair summarized the major categories of the proposed ordinance: (1) Licensing; (2) Transparency of Ownership; (3) Compliance with the Law; (4) Protection of
Public; (5) Limits on Hours of Operation; (6) Limits on Sexual Entertainment; and (7) Limits on Massage Parlors.
The following citizens came forward:
Esther Clarke, 197 Langford Lane, thanked the Council for a job well done in the creation of this ordinance. Ms. Clarke suggested that all patrons of sexually oriented businesses and masseurs should be at least twenty-one years old, not eighteen as the proposed ordinance now reads. Additionally, Ms. Clarke stated that the ordinance should allow the revocation of the license of those owners of sexually oriented businesses who are delinquent in their property taxes. (The Chair later referenced section 8-65, subsection (d)(5), which addresses that issue.)
Susan Kniep, 44-50 Olde Roberts Street, suggested that all persons who address the Council at meetings should sign in and state the properties that they own in the town of East Hartford. Ms. Kniep strongly urged that the town post the properties that will be affected as a permitted use of adult entertainment. Ms. Kniep also believes that the ordinance will only be effective if it is well enforced.
Reginald Thibault, 42 Chester Street, agreed with most of the proposed ordinance as written, but had the following suggestions: (1) under section 8-62 (c), possibly include language that would require that all owners of sexually oriented businesses post a $1Million bond annually which would cover the costs of any remedies or corrections of any violations; (2) on section 8-64 (b) – add to the end of the last sentence “…under the penalties of perjury.” and (3) section 8-64 (c)(6) – driver’s license should be deleted since not everyone has a driver’s license.
Additionally, Mary Alice Dwyer-Hughes, Chair of the East Hartford Board of Education, wrote a letter to the Chair suggesting that the proposed ordinance “…would require that any sexually oriented business be located at least 250 feet from any educational institution, including colleges…”.
MOTION By Don Pitkin
seconded by Bill Horan
to adjourn (7:47 p.m.).
Motion carried 8/0.
Angela Attenello
Town Council Clerk